The Witch's Wand : The Craft, Lore, and Magick of Wands & Staffs
The Witch's Wand : The Craft, Lore, and Magick of Wands & Staffs
The wand is the quintessential tool of the witch and the sorcerer of old; and its popu-larity continues in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and more. In this book you can find all the fascinating lore, history, and symbol-ism of the wand; how to make your own for different uses or occasions; and plenty of wand spells and rituals! This charming tome includes "Wanderings," contributions on the role and use of the wand written by other notable witches and druids, as well as the charming art of Mickie Mueller.
Muses of Mystery Mystical Sabbat Box is a Seasonal subscription box specially designed for the Southern Hemisphere & include everything required for a dedicated ritual to celebrate the turn of the Wheel through the Seasons.