Mabon in the Southern Hemisphere
Mabon is often called the witches' thanksgiving, for those who have experience with the idea of Thanksgiving. It is a time to take stock of what we have and be grateful. For those of us here in the southern hemisphere, Mabon is on 20th March, 2024. It is a time when the harvest is at its highest and so one can look forward to the leanness of winter with either relief or fear. It is the time of the Autumn Equinox where the days are now as long as the night. The leaves are now beginning to turn hues of orange and brown and will eventually fall to a blanket of leaves. The air will turn crisp. We are now approaching the darkness and coldness of Winter months.
Mabon Meaning
Mabon is the beginning of the time of reflection as we draw inwards physically and spiritually to take stock of our inner thoughts and actions. We may use this time to get to know ourselves better and face the shadows of ourselves. All in quiet contemplation. It is a great time of planning and reflected knowledge. Make a list of goals to work on leading up to Winter months.
It is also a time of feasting and eating hearty warm comfort foods that are made of seasonal produce. Plant vegetables and herbs that love the cooler months like Rosemary, onions, garlic, pumpkin, stoned fruit and apples. Here's a little recipe to get the feasting going!
Celebrating Mabon
Sunflower Seed Halva
Toast the seeds in a dry frying pan, until they begin to turn golden. Stir often so they don't burn. Empty into a bowl. Toast the flour in same frypan. Stir until golden. Remove from heat.
In a food processor blitz all the seeds to a fine powder. Mix the ground seeds with the flour into a large mixing bowl. Add the butter and honey to a pot over low heat until combined. Add the vanilla extract and stir through. Once mixed through turn off the heat. Combine the honey butter with the dry mixture and thoroughly mix with a wooden spoon. Line a baking dish with baking paper and pour the mixture in pressing it down firmly.
Allow to cool at room temperature. Chill in fridge for 2 hrs before eating.
Merry Mabon from Muses of Mystery !
By Tehani