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A Witch's World of Magick : Expanding Your Practice with Techniques and Traditions from Diverse Cultures - Melanie Marquis

A Witch's World of Magick : Expanding Your Practice with Techniques and Traditions from Diverse Cultures - Melanie Marquis

Regular price $37.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $37.00 AUD
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This sparkling, in-depth examination of theories and techniques from around the world will help you reach higher levels of magickal insight and success. Each chapter features examples of tried-and-true magickal techniques gathered from the annals of folk magick around the world. By becoming more familiar with these classic magickal moves you'll have a solid starting point for designing your own mystical innovations. Melanie Marquis, author of The Witch's Bag of Tricks, helps you explore the ins and outs of magickal skills and concepts from an eclectic perspective, providing a deeper understanding of spellwork and a greater appreciation for our magickal world. From Wiccan spells to Chaos magick, magick without tools to potion-making, discover love spells, word charms, curse-breaking, potion-making, contemporary spellwork and more.

Length: 23cm
Width: 15cm

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